
01 January 2015

looking ahead in 2015...

hi!  so, i didn't really mean to take a "blogging break" from thanksgiving through the new year but that's kind of what ended up happening with my already sporadic posting.  to be honest, i am just not into it anymore - i thought it would be much farther down the road before i caught myself stating that fact but it's upon me.  so, i think it was good for me to not think about posting to see if i actually missed it, or if i missed getting emails saying people had commented on my posts, or missed scrolling through my blog reader or commenting on other people's posts.  i'm not sure that i came to a concrete conclusion by today, the first of a new year, but i do know that i have some things to work out before i consider continuing with blogging.  

-- first, i'm not at all happy with the quality of my pictures that i can't seem to get right with the awkward colored green walls in my bedroom that changes depending on the time of day i get a picture taken.  when i don't like the way my pictures look, i'm less inclined to post them and write a few sentences about why i chose to wore what i'd photographed.  in many ways, i think this blogging thing is all about highlighting the outfits we wear, but if you can't clearly see what my shoes look like or the print on my blouse, it's almost like you're missing out on seeing what i see in the outfit and that's when i throw my hands up in the air and say, "what's the point?"  does anyone else struggle with this if you don't have a brightly lit spot in your home or a plain white wall (i miss mine) or convenient spot with natural light right outside your back door?  how do you rectify it?

-- i'm not satisfied with my weight right now; half of my beloved skirts are hanging in my closet unworn because they don't fit.  there's no fun in getting dressed when the things you want to wear don't fit.  this one is totally on me and only something i can change, and i am working toward it, but lately i've just been rotating between 3 pairs of pants i have that fit well and any shirt - combinations that don't require much styling or effort and therefore haven't warranted a blog post in my mind.

-- finally, i am still working through my much more self-imposed casual dress code at my newish job compared to what i would like to wear.  i've talked about this a lot in the past year and it's something i continue to have to accept.  i've struggled figuring out how to dress down some of my favorite skirts or heels just so i don't feel so out of place at the nursing home where i work amongst nurses in scrubs and office staff in american eagle-esque clogs (i'm sorry, but in what work environment are these acceptable?).

it's kind of ironic how this time last year i was going through a similar transition phase and questioned the expiration date of this blog when i was between jobs.  and i realize this is not really a goodbye post either, but what has disappointed me the most over the years was when my favorite bloggers just vacated their blogs and didn't offer an explanation for their absence, either temporary or permanent, and i never wanted to do that to my readers and friends who i have made through this space.  so, i guess i will just have to offer this up as another "i'll [hopefully] see you soon" post.

ps:  i do plan to publish my final "one in, one out" budgeting/spending post for december 2014 in the next few days, and if you are wondering what i have been wearing this past month or so you can check out my 2014 in review page as i have continued (and probably won't stop any time soon) to take pictures of my outfits each day... that's just a habit after 5+ years or so that i can't break, so i plan to get that page up to date over the weekend as well.

thanks for sticking with me & for your support!  <3 br="">

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