21 December 2012

week & year in review

december 17-20

i'm off today so no outfit post, but here's my week in review post from what i wore to work this week.  i am off next week too, so this is my last week in review post for the year 2012.  i am so glad i started doing this, it has helped me so much to skim back through these weekly photos when i was trying to figure out what to wear to work or to be reminded of when i last wore something.  and for some odd reason, it gives me a huge sense of accomplishment to realize i took a picture of what i wore every workday in 2012 (if there are only four pictures in a set it means i was off from work or it was a holiday).  most weeks there was an outfit or two i didn't really care for, but it is helpful to look back on these pictures and see how my style has grown and what types of clothes & colors look best on me.  since this is kind of turning into a reflective "year in review" post i'll share a couple of my favorite weeks:

{week 21}

 {week 37}

{ week 48}

thanks for all of the support you've shown me and my blog this year.  i am definitely looking forward to keeping this up in 2013.  see you then and happy holidays!