15 October 2014

baubles & lace.


j crew lace panel tee
old navy skinny boyfriend khakis
mossimo ona flats   ·   target necklace

do you ever put two words together to describe what you are wearing and think, "hey, that would be a good blog title!" ?  "baubles & lace" just sounds like it would be the title of someone's blog (and maybe it is) but nope, it's just what i'm wearing today.  i took a giant leap and instead of buying this shirt in navy & green, i bought the version you see today in black & gray.  i think the former would be much m ore versatile in my wardrobe, but i already have this navy & green blouse, so i made myself purchase the latter.  hopefully i'll find myself wearing it with non-black bottoms.

get the look:  exact shirt / exact khakis / exact flats / similar necklace