this weekend was a nice & long one. i spent it lounging around the house, which is exactly the way i like it. i am so exhausted and mentally drained by the end of the work-week that i never want to jam pack my weekends full of activities and plans. i'd rather lay low at home. on saturday, i made a quick trip to savers {no luck} and then spent the rest of the afternoon reading emma, watching hallmark movies, and planning my trip to southern minnesota on monday.
also, meet my cat ann! my sister and i inherited her when our nana passed away. she likes to hide in the oddest places around our apartment. here she is nestled in my duvet comforter, which i just have to brag about for a second. it's a dwell studio for target queen sized comforter that i found new at the goodwill for $6.99! i've never gotten to the bottom of it, but the goodwills here have a pretty sweet deal with the local targets to take all of their clearanced or slightly damaged merchandise. i couldn't believe it when i saw this lovely. don't worry, i washed it!
you guys are probably going to get sick of me talking about all of the target stock i get at the goodwill! hopefully one of these days i can do a giveaway of one of my finds. did you do anything fun this weekend or score any good thrifted deals? do you like to chill out on the weekends or stay busy? hopefully i'm not the only homebody out there!
be sure to check back tomorrow night or tuesday morning to hear about my trip to southern minnesota; i'm really looking forward to it!
also, meet my cat ann! my sister and i inherited her when our nana passed away. she likes to hide in the oddest places around our apartment. here she is nestled in my duvet comforter, which i just have to brag about for a second. it's a dwell studio for target queen sized comforter that i found new at the goodwill for $6.99! i've never gotten to the bottom of it, but the goodwills here have a pretty sweet deal with the local targets to take all of their clearanced or slightly damaged merchandise. i couldn't believe it when i saw this lovely. don't worry, i washed it!
on sunday i took my usual trip to the goodwill, to one i actually haven't been to in a while, and scored these two cute new-from-target cardigans for $4.99 each {i'll debut one of them on tuesday!} and some smelly fifteen cent books. i had a very filling lunch at chipotle and did more reading and organizing my two overflowing bookshelves with my new finds from this morning.
you guys are probably going to get sick of me talking about all of the target stock i get at the goodwill! hopefully one of these days i can do a giveaway of one of my finds. did you do anything fun this weekend or score any good thrifted deals? do you like to chill out on the weekends or stay busy? hopefully i'm not the only homebody out there!
be sure to check back tomorrow night or tuesday morning to hear about my trip to southern minnesota; i'm really looking forward to it!