24 November 2011

friday (handmade!)

here is a sneak peak at my new handmade blouse!  over the course of about three days this week when i've been home for thanksgiving, my mom helped me make my first blouse.  i used simplicity #8523 for the pattern and the fabric was red tag clearance fabric from joann's that was purchased when the red tag fabric was an additional 50% off.  the reason i chose this pattern?  simplicity patterns were 99c at joann's a few weeks back, but there were no simplicity books to be found at the pattern tables to look through.  intent on finding a blouse pattern to bring home with me, i started opening all of the pattern drawers and flipping through the rows and rows of patterns until i found this one.  i saw promise in the pictures on the outside of the package, and that is really all my decision was based on.  i didn't heed the recommended fabric or yardage or even check the size... oops.  

according to my mom, this wasn't the easiest pattern for a very new sewer like myself to start out with; in fact, there is no way i would have gotten past cutting out the pattern pieces without my mom's help as the directions were very vague and obviously written for someone with some sewing knowledge.  i am already searching for sewing 101 books on swap.com and will check for some the next time i am at the goodwill so i can gain some basic knowledge.  but i will say, it wasn't as daunting as i thought {again, i had my mom's help here!} and it was so fun to see the pieces come together - that is, after my cute cat up there, musa, moved out of the way and let me cut the pattern pieces out!  the neckline that you see should actually have been attached right sides together and folded behind, but i liked the ruffle look of it so we modified the pattern to keep that accent.  this was so fun to make with my mom and i'm so excited to wear it to work next week!

did you get any crafting in during your time off this week?