31 December 2011

2011 budget & spending

2011 spending:
starting in january of this year, i thought it would be good practice to track my spending each month.  i felt new to the thrill of finding good deals & donated target stock at the goodwill but i never knew exactly how much i spent on clothes each month.  i also wanted to try to average out my monthly spending and give myself a budget.  i have been pretty surprised at what has come out to be the average in terms of how much money i spend on clothes & accessories each month.  here's a breakdown:

month spent # items bought # thrifted
january 80.49 22 14
february 18.15 7 6
march 51.84 15 6
april 67.57 16 12
may 40.85 10 5
june 46.40 10 8
july 58.42 10 6
august 51.01 12 6
september 64.95 14 6
october 49.68 9 2
november 61.44 7 1
december 92.07 17 9

682.87 149 81

i think it's interesting to note that i naturally hovered around the $50/month range--after january, of course, when i told myself i'd just spend as "normal."  i think many people probably spend close to $50 on one item, but that is how much i spend each month!  for me, this is a budget that i'm comfortable with and i'm  proud to say that the majority of it comes through thrifting and that i get a lot out of that $50.

a few statistics:
-the least expensive item i bought was a 49c donated target stock skirt from the goodwill and the most expensive item i bought were gray old navy riding boots for $32.39
-the most items i bought in one month was 22 items, the fewest 7
-the total number of new clothing, shoes, or accessories i bought this year was 149.  that almost doesn't seem possible!  how have i really brought 150 pieces of clothing, shoes, or accessories into my apartment?  next year, i think one of my goals will be to donate more than i already do to even it out.  finally, 81 of the 149 items i purchased were thrifted, so my wardrobe really is over half thrifted (which i think is awesome!)

looking forward:
i'm going to continue tracking my spending and the items that i purchase each month in 2012.  i don't anticipate that i will change my shopping habits or spending drastically, but i hope to purchase even more wisely and stick closer to $50/month.  i've been thinking about the idea of cash envelopes so that i really abide by it.  that way, once my clothing money is gone each month, it's gone.  have you had any major thoughts or revelations about your shopping & spending habits in 2011?

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