05 February 2012

sunday (upsets & moving on)

yesterday morning i went out of my car to run an errand and as soon as i opened the driver's door, i noticed all of my personal belongings strewn about on the floorboards and seats... cds, tissues, gloves, a pair of knee high socks, directions.  my car had obviously been broken into last night as it sat in my apartment's parking lot.  i felt so violated as i glanced at my belongings that were thrown everywhere and had been touched & examined by a complete stranger.  and then i felt profound thanks for my windows and dash being in tact and no noticeable damage anywhere in the car.  what was stolen?  my prescription sunglasses that are only a year old (about $130), a visor of cds, my iphone & ipod transmitter cords, and a stack of directions.  yes, directions to places like my aunt's house and my favorite parking garage in minneapolis (it's a really good one, hopefully they'll check it out) and a mall in rochester.  it's completely nonsensical, but i'm okay.  i have many privileges and blessings, and this was a reminder that things that i don't think will ever happen to me surely can and will... and i'm glad that i handled it in a calm way.  i'm glad the window that was pried open to get inside my car could successfully be closed, that the cds that have the most meaning to me were tossed on the passenger seat and dismissed, and that i still have a means to get from point A to point B.  and who knows, maybe i will win a giveaway i entered this week at someone's blog to bonlook.com and i can replace my sunglasses!

today i'm going to enjoy the rest of my weekend and do what i love to do: go to the goodwill.  i'm so thankful that i still have a car that will get me there & back.  i hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend too.