09 February 2012

thursday (100%)

gap outlet button-down {thrifted}   merona artist cardigan {thrifted target stock}
banana republic skirt {thrifted}   mossimo varana shooties {thrifted target stock}\
i knew i wanted to finally wear these shooties {i think it is so silly that i just have to continue to call them by that name} today but i had a hard time figuring out what color tights to wear.  the shooties are tan, so first i put on brown tights but the two different shades of brown didn't look right together.  then i put on dark gray tights, which i pondered as i made my lunch and got my stuff together this morning.  but then i needed a belt, so i reached for this forever 21 braided belt that i've only worn once (that i realized was manufactured wrong, the buckle was put on the wrong side) and then changed into these maroon tights... third time's a charm!  oh, and that's a little insight into my thought process when i get dressed in the morning, kind of all over the place.  but i really like how it eventually turned out.  and hurrah for another 100% thrifted outfit {minus accessories}.  have a great rest of your week!