08 February 2012

wednesday (more thanks)

merona paigen cardigan {thrifted target stock}
mossimo trs pencil skirt {thrifted target stock}   merona marylnn mary janes

you probably didn't know this, but i have been on a mad hunt for a pair of basic black pumps for a while to replace my two pairs of black heels that are falling apart and a pair of black flats to give my black bauble ones a break.  today i had two meetings on opposite parts of town, so i popped into the goodwills near both of those locations.  at the second one, i found what i was looking for:  fioni black patent pumps dumped into the $1.49 reject shoe bin (remember the last shoes i found there?).  i also came upon a giant cart of shoes filled with donated target stock--little bitty snow boots, those shooties i posted about yesterday, and a cute pair of merona black flats for $4.99.  i know, i was really breaking the bank and my february budget by buying $6.48 worth of shoes... but i was so happy that my patience paid off.  thank you goodwill!

now i just have to tell myself it's okay to donate or get rid of the other shoes i have that are really worn... that is hard for me!