28 March 2012

wednesday (sweet)

merona cardigan {thrifted target stock}   cabi muse blouse {thrifted}
handmade (by me) skirt   merona mattie cap-toe flats {thrifted target stock}

this outfit is so sweet with the feminine colors and rosettes.  i'm kind of in love with this fabric that i picked out at joann's last friday.  there is so much fun fabric out there, pretty soon i will have a different skirt to wear every single day of the year.  and i just have to say thank you for the sweet comments many of you leave about the skirts that i  make.  i know they're nothing that special {it's really just two panels of fabric sewn together with an elastic waistband, so easy} but i derive so much pleasure from the process of making them - for myself and others.  so it's fun when other people take notice of that too.  thanks for dropping by today!