08 June 2013

week in review

week 23
{june 3-7}

i've been a pretty lazy blogger recently so i thought i would post a week in review post so you can see what i've been wearing when i haven't been posting.  all of my outfits felt the same this week, either because they had been worn in a similar way before or were in the same color palette.  it was hard to get dressed this week!  but, i guess it doesn't come across too bad seeing all of the outfits lined up next to each other.

the red jacket from friday is this merona cropped linen blazer that i found for $10 on clearance, and with another merona clothing coupon and 5% off from my redcard, i think it came to a little over $8?!  i'd been eyeing these little jackets for a while and love that i have another colorful blazer in my wardrobe now.  it would have been perfect for the pantone-inspired spring color challenge my friend marissa and i hosted a few weeks ago for poppy red!

thanks for visiting!

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