14 September 2013

casual friday jeans.

old navy sweetheart skinny jeans   ·   mossimo sweater {thrifted target stock}
lands end button-down {thrifted / similar}   ·   old navy flats {similar}

sept 13th / i knew i wanted to wear my black skinny jeans again today and my new toms that came in the mail yesterday (love toms so much), so with half of the outfit put together i just had to figure out what to wear on top!  our temps have been dipping down this week, enough that i felt i could wear a lightweight sweater layered over a button-down.  the toms didn't end up feeling right when i got to the office (too casual with the button-down/sweater/necklace combination), so i was glad i have an old pair of black flats in my desk drawer.  i've worn this top-half of the combination before but i like what i like and i would wager that none of you would remember i'd worn it before anyway!  happy weekend!