29 May 2012


j crew sweater {thrifted}   mossimo neck tie blouse {thrifted target stock}
merona doubleweave skirt {thrifted target stock}   jessica simpson oscar heels {thrifted}
i hope everyone had a wonderful weekend!  mine was packed with an insane amount of eating, lots of fro yo, birthday celebrations, baseball, and goodwilling, of course.  i picked up this neck tie blouse at the GW yesterday and although i would have preferred a different color {i like the printed version below!}, i'm happy to add this style blouse to my wardrobe!  for the first day back to the office after a long weekend, i added a punch of color to get me through an early morning meeting, a care conference, and a visit with a client {that didn't actually happen, grr!}.  i kept the rest of my outfit pretty neutral and basic to off-set the bright green sweater.  it's not the most exciting outfit, but i think it worked!

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