07 January 2013

january 7th {olive}

mossimo sweater & wedges
loft skirt {thrifted}

one reason i love thrifting so much {see my giant cheesy smile above?!} is because sometimes you can hit a particular thrift store on just the right day and find a handful of items that were clearly all donated by the same person.  sometimes this happens and it's a major let down when none of the items are in your size -- remember my j crew skirt episode?  but other times it works in your favor and you come away with three loft and talbots skirts all in your size for a couple dollars each.  this is one of them!

when i reviewed my spending from this past year i wanted to make a point to be more mindful of the types of clothes i am buying... what do i need in my closet vs what do i snatch up (this is an appropriate verb, trust me.) because it is a good deal.  this skirt was purchased just because it was a good deal ($2.49) and i liked the colors & print.  it is getting a little easier to bypass all of the printed merona cardigans and rows & rows of target dresses at the goodwill, so in that regard i do think that i am growing and i'm trying not to be too hard on myself when i buy things that aren't necessarily on my "need" list.  maybe it would be helpful if i actually made such a list!  ;)

let's chat!  do you have specific guidelines for yourself when you go thrifting so you don't go overboard, or do you go into stores open-minded with a "come what may" attitude?

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