07 December 2012

friday (casual)

a couple weeks ago, i noticed a poster in my building notifying staff that casual fridays will be allowed moving forward.  i think i could have gotten away with wearing these trouser jeans earlier, but it's nice to have free reign to dress a little more casually if i don't have a home visit or meeting with a client.  

i also wore this to the dentist this morning, which was much more enjoyable than my last visit even though i was there to get two cavities filled.  the hygienist helper who sucked my spit (haha, sorry) complimented my green shoes and asked where i got them (target.com), then we talked about the benefits of online shopping and how she buys all her toilet paper on amazon.com because of the good deals you can find.  true!  then my dentist talked about decorating her christmas tree.  pure joy i tell you, pure joy.  totally worth the numbed cheeks i had for the rest of the day to have a redeeming experience at the dentist!  have a great weekend {we're finally getting a bit of snow where i live, yay!}.